Thursday, February 27, 2020

Wrinkled Red Peppers

And just like that, nearly two years have passed since my last post.
So much for the attempt to share more reflections on life which right now, is thankfully, is in sort of a holding pattern not too much different from the past.  Meaning, I’m still just trying to keep up.

Recent adventures include travels to parts of this world previously unknown to me, like Greece, Malta and Sicily.  Journeys to new places are in the future.

The past years also brought some sadness with the loss of beloved family members and but also strengthened the love I have for my family and my extended family (Cousins are the best!) and friends.

And I have added choir member to my life resume; these new friends are so welcoming to this wanna be song artist.  Wonderfully lifts my spirit and soul.

Still learning and playing the folk harp, doing lessons and workshops that I love, when I can. Nearly fifteen years ago I made the leap into something new and have not regretted it ever.

And so, today’s reflection is like the wrinkled red pepper rescued from the vegetable drawer in the fridge and sautéed for my breakfast eggs.
I am finding each day is a chance to find a new blessing in my imperfect journey of life.

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