Friday, November 8, 2013

In Training for Training

219 days until Triathlon!

I have four books to read, and numerous YouTube videos to watch. I have begun to accumulate gear, mostly for the swimming training. Air is in the bike tires and the helmet is ready. The running shoes are always on my feet.

Today, I was at the pool. The swim leg of the tri (getting the lingo down!) is 1/4 mile or 1320 feet. That translates to nearly 53 lengths of the pool. I managed about half that, not all freestyle. I probably could have done more, but it was early morning and my brain couldn't handle that much math until I got home to the computer.
While I was swimming, I tried to envision myself, streamlined body, gracefully gliding through the water. I am sure the reality was nowhere near my dream form! But, I think I may be swimming a bit better, except for the breathing on my right side. It tends to be wetter there than on the left side. Kicking seemed to go well, as well as the arm stroke (doing freestyle).
So, the swim assessment is, that I am confident I can be ready before June! And, I think you are allowed to swim the doggie paddle,too!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rolling over 50K

First, I think I might need to clarify something. This blog is about whatever and a post will appear whenever I feel like writing something. There is more to life than just a triathlon!

Today is a special day. The odometer on my SUV turned 50,000 miles. I have had the vehicle for two and a half years now and I think that is a lot of driving.
Today is a special day also, because it is my birthday and my odometer is rolling over, too.
Today was a pretty smooth ride, just a few bumps, like the road construction, like the long doctor visit, like not getting everything on the list done.
There were some nice stops along the way, like the delightful visit from a neighbor and her baby grandson, or the spectacular sunset or the birthday dinner out with my grandsons and their parents.
Today was a good day, a mini lesson, teaching me patience for world around me, and for myself. Teaching me to enjoy the moments not on the list.
Sometimes I need days like this.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Trip of a Lfetime?

One of the challenges of being the advanced age that I have now attained is comfortably moving around. Anywhere. Physically. Mentally. Technically.
I have begun a new blog. My last one was from 2011. I posted the new blog in the old one. Sigh. Ok, my fix is to print the new blog. And retype here. Problem solved. Yes, I'm sure there is an easier way. But, I did it my way (apologies to Frank) and it worked.

Trip of a Lifetime?
Somehow, in the past few years, I zoomed from 50 to 60 in something like a nano second.
As I crawl even further over the hill and enter the dark side called 60+, I find myself wondering what that number really means, besides discount day at the store. There is longevity in my family. My father recently passed away in his 89th year, leaving behind myself and two sisters, and also his 90 year old sister and 94 year old brother. Some of those longevity genes are a part of me, too.
There is the saying that the 60's are now the new 40's. And there is the one that says, you gotta use it or lose it.
So, I am embarking on a new adventure, moving more to find what was lost and (also to lose what was found!) and hopefully, turn back the clock as I journey.
I have signed up to do a sprint triathlon.
The big event takes place June 15, 2014.
I am beginning training now.
Come along for the swim, the ride, the run, if you like!