Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rolling over 50K

First, I think I might need to clarify something. This blog is about whatever and a post will appear whenever I feel like writing something. There is more to life than just a triathlon!

Today is a special day. The odometer on my SUV turned 50,000 miles. I have had the vehicle for two and a half years now and I think that is a lot of driving.
Today is a special day also, because it is my birthday and my odometer is rolling over, too.
Today was a pretty smooth ride, just a few bumps, like the road construction, like the long doctor visit, like not getting everything on the list done.
There were some nice stops along the way, like the delightful visit from a neighbor and her baby grandson, or the spectacular sunset or the birthday dinner out with my grandsons and their parents.
Today was a good day, a mini lesson, teaching me patience for world around me, and for myself. Teaching me to enjoy the moments not on the list.
Sometimes I need days like this.

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