Friday, November 8, 2013

In Training for Training

219 days until Triathlon!

I have four books to read, and numerous YouTube videos to watch. I have begun to accumulate gear, mostly for the swimming training. Air is in the bike tires and the helmet is ready. The running shoes are always on my feet.

Today, I was at the pool. The swim leg of the tri (getting the lingo down!) is 1/4 mile or 1320 feet. That translates to nearly 53 lengths of the pool. I managed about half that, not all freestyle. I probably could have done more, but it was early morning and my brain couldn't handle that much math until I got home to the computer.
While I was swimming, I tried to envision myself, streamlined body, gracefully gliding through the water. I am sure the reality was nowhere near my dream form! But, I think I may be swimming a bit better, except for the breathing on my right side. It tends to be wetter there than on the left side. Kicking seemed to go well, as well as the arm stroke (doing freestyle).
So, the swim assessment is, that I am confident I can be ready before June! And, I think you are allowed to swim the doggie paddle,too!

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